Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jackson County Supervisors Meeting Report

Last week's meeting featured comments that show our supervisors are concerned about state legislative issues and plans by Governor Culver.

Example: Legislators support a gas tax increase of up to 10 cents per gallon to pay for infrastructure improvements, but the governor has said he will veto any bill that contains a gas tax increase. The governor, on the other hand, has proposed a huge bonding program that will put the state in debt for many years--a proposal not supported by legislators. Sounds like a lot of good people spent time formulating Time 21, only to see its plan picked apart by dissension between the administrative and legislative branches. Meanwhile, our roads continue to deteriorate. . .

Senator Jack Hatch (D-Des Moines) was mentioned concerning a proposed mental health bill. Both he and Supervisor Jack Willey serve on the Mental Health Committee, but his proposed bill addressed none of the concerns of that committee.

Is anybody listening to the concerns of the ordinary citizen in Des Moines? It sounds like our County Supervisors are much closer to the taxpayers and voters than other elected officials.

Jean, the Political Junkie